Thursday 31 March 2016

Control your diabetes by Vitamin C and Vitamin E

Diabetes + Diabetic Neuropathy Ebooks

Many of the vitamins like Vitamin B complex, Thiamine or Vitamin B1 and Pyridoxine or Vitamin B6 are great controller of diabetes. Other vitamins like vitamin C and vitamin E also works great in controlling diabetes. Have a look on the benefits how they can help you
controlling your diabetes.
Vitamin C – Vitamin C is considered highly beneficial in treating diabetes. Because of stress, urinary losses and destruction by
artificial sweeteners, the vitamin C requirement is usually high in diabetics. Large amounts of this vitamin sometimes bring very good
results. Dr. George V Mann in Perspective in Biology and Medicine recommended extra vitamin C for diabetics. Natural insulin output
increases in diabetics with supplementary doses of vitamin C.
The intake of vitamin C in the form of dried Indian gooseberry (amla), the richest known source of vitamin C, or tablets of 500 mg or
from natural sources of vitamin C besides amla, are citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, sprouted Bengal gram and green grams.
Vitamin E – This vitamin reduces considerably the devastating vascular damage accompanying diabetes. Dr. Willard Shute in The Complete

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