Sunday, 6 March 2016

The Risk of Gestational Diabetes in Future Pregnancies

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If you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes in pregnancy the chances are very high you
will also get the disease in future pregnancies.  There have been cases where this hasn’t
happened and there may be steps you can take to lessen your chances of getting it again.
Before you plan on becoming pregnant again, start to follow the diabetic diet you were
given during your previous pregnancy.  It will provide a lot of the nutrients your body
needs and will start you off on the right track to eating right while pregnant.  Maintaining
a healthy body weight is also crucial to prevent a reoccurrence of diabetes in pregnancy.
If you are overweight, even losing 10-15 pounds before becoming pregnant will help
your body better manage the insulin production and use.A risk factor for getting gestational diabetes in the future is also based on how soon in your pregnancy you were diagnosed.
 Some woman do not find out they have diabetes in pregnancy until the final weeks before the birth while others may be diagnosed as early as the first trimester.  The earlier you are diagnosed the greater the chance that you will also have the same problem again.When planning your next pregnancy, book an appointment with your doctor.  Let him or her know your plans and a blood test will be ordered.  Your doctor can order a blood test that will show you average blood glucose levels for the previous few months.  This will make sure that before you become pregnant you blood glucose levels are at an optimal
level.  And if they are not it is recommended that you do not become pregnant until they
are under control.  Not having your blood sugars under control before you become
pregnant can lead to complications for the baby during the crucial first weeks of

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