Sunday, 6 March 2016

Treatment Options for Gestational Diabetes

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Once you have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes you will see an endocrinologist and develop a treatment plan.  You may also see a nutritionist or dietician to help you develop a food plan that will meat the needs of you and the baby and not be detrimental to your blood sugar level.What you eat will have a major impact on your blood glucose levels.  It is not only foods high in sugar that you have to avoid.  A good meal plan will make use of the recommended food guide with several small meals spaced throughout the day.  Ideally, you should eat six times a day:  breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, and a bedtime snack.  By eating frequent and small meals you can keep
better control of your glucose level by trying to keep a slow and steady supply of energy for your body.  Having a small amount of protein at each meal and snack is beneficial in maintaining a healthy blood glucose level.Physical exercise is also very important.  You can control and lower your glucose levels by getting active.  Before you start any physical routine, be sure to consult with your doctor.  The exercise you do does not have to be vigorous.
You can take three small walks after breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 15-20 minutes to help burn off the extra sugar in your body.A strict diet and physical exercise are going to be used for any woman with gestational diabetes.  But for woman who have higher insulin needs (and the need for insulin is going to increase as the pregnancy progresses) they will have to have additional insulin by way of injections.  This isn’t as scary as it sounds
and it is something you will get used to quite quickly.  With the help of your
doctor you will learn how to adjust your insulin based on your blood sugar
readings from your glucose monitor.

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