Wednesday, 30 September 2015

A DNA Link between Diabetes and Obesity

There is no known reason for what causes diabetes.  There are certainly risk factors that
make the likelihood of you being diagnosed with the disease higher.  One of the only risk
factors that you have control over is your weight.  If you are obese, the single best thing
you can do for your health and the prevention of diabetes is to lose weight.  Even in small
increments, when you shed pounds you are increasing your health benefits.

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These may be easier said than done.  There are new studies that are now showing that there is a genetic factor or mutation for people who are obese and have diabetes.  This genetic malfunction affects how the bodies use energy and insulin, two key elements in the functioning of your body and the cause of diabetes and obesity.

The studies also state that this is not a cause and effect case.  If you carry this defective gene you are not guaranteed to be obese or have diabetes.

But the link is there and it can be prevented.  You may have to work harder at it than others to maintain a healthy body weight and put off diabetes but it can be done.  Discuss with your doctor options and ways to prevent or put-off the onset of diabetes.

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The gene that researchers have discovered as a precursor to diabetes has been found in young children.  It is scary to know that children in their preschool years are being diagnosed with obesity and type 2 diabetes due to genetics.  But parents can reduce or prevent these things from happening by giving their children healthy lifestyle choices.  Now that a DNA link has been found, the research can focus on finding a way to fix or prevent this from happening at some point in the future.

All About Diabetes: Symptoms, Causes, Types.

While talking about diabetes, you may be frightened from the idea that you may have it. Or maybe, you may have it in the future. You want to know if you are at risk to develop diabetes and anxiously you're looking to find if you have any diabetes symptom.

Diabetes affects the manner in which the body handles carbohydrates, fats and proteins. If neglected, diabetes can have serious complications. The diabetic people have high blood sugar level. The blood sugar level is regulated by insulin - a hormone produced by the pancreas, which depends on your eating habits.

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Diabetes is a serious disease. But the startling truth is that diabetes is reversible. Diabetes is the number one cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD). This disease is a condition where the body is unable to automatically regulate blood glucose levels, resulting in too much glucose (a sugar) in the blood. Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects as many as 16 million Americans.

Actually, there is no clear symptom for diabetes. The most common symptoms of diabetes are as follow:

- being all the time thirsty
- frequent urination
- increased hunger
- feeling all the time tired; having an excessive fatigue,

On the other hand, there are some other symptoms of diabetes that are prescribed as diabetes complications in fact. These symptoms are:

- vision changes;
- recurrent skin infections very difficult to heal;
- tingling or numbness you may feel in your extremities;
- gums disorders;
- Hair loss and many others.

There are two different types of diabetes.

Type I Diabetes (juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes): The reason for type I diabetes is due to pancreas inability to produce insulin.

Type II Diabetes (non insulin dependent diabetes or adult onset diabetes): This diabetes is a result of body tissues becoming resistant to insulin. It is usually hereditary.

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Type 2 Diabetes is more common than Type 1 Diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a life-long disease marked by high levels of sugar in the blood. Conditions associated with type 2 diabetes include hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. Type 2 diabetes may account for about 90% to 95% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes. Up to two-thirds of people with type 2 diabetes have no symptoms. Obesity is the single most important risk factor for type 2 diabetes. An estimated 20% of all cases of new onset type 2 diabetes are in individuals between the ages of 9-19. The more you know about type 2 diabetes, the more you'll be able to take the right steps to take control of your condition.

If neglected, diabetes can lead to various complications such as damage to the kidneys, heart disease, nerve damage, hypoglycemia (drastic reduction in glucose levels). Diabetes is a serious disease and there is no treatment of it. However, it can be brought under control by proper diabetic diet.

A Short Tutorial About Various Diabetic Supplies

Diabetes is a chronic disease with no cure but the good news is that proper care and treatment a person can live a log and healthy life. Nearly 2,000 people are diagnosed with diabetes every day.

It is estimated that there are 17 million people with diabetes in the U.S and another 16 million have pre-diabetes or higher blood-sugar levels that are higher than normal but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes.

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Buying diabetes supplies online can save time and money. In this article you will find the most used supplies and tools to achieve a good diabetes control and aid in everyday self-care.

For those who have been diagnosed with a diabetic condition, diabetes supplies are a fact of life. In order to maintain good health, diabetics must rely on various tools to help them monitor their conditions. Still, diabetes patients need to exercise caution when buying diabetes supplies.

The company that you buy your diabetes supplies from should have a phone number in case you need to contact the business because of a problem with the order.

In fact, it's best if the company has a toll-free hotline number that you can reach 24 hours a day. It is much better to register a complaint by phone than by e-mail.

Also, the company should have a pharmacist available to answer your questions. Having a pharmacist on staff indicates that the company is legitimate and is determined to provide excellent service to its customers. When ordering diabetes supplies, you'll want to pay close attention to shipping charges so that you donít experience sticker shock when you receive your final bill.

Typically, a diabetic pays a substantial sum each month for diabetes supplies, including pills, insulin, syringes, alcohol pads, lancets, ointments, salves, and special foods. Because competition for business is so great, the prices of items such as testing strips and glucose monitors are often competitive.

This competition can help to keep the diabetes patient's expenses in check.

However, there is no question that a diabetic must devote a portion of his or her income or insurance costs to diabetes supplies. In order to control glucose, blood sugar levels must be monitored closelyóat least once a day.

Insulin Cases: Environmental factors such as excessive heat and freezing will have major effect on type of insulin. So, there is a need to keep insulin safe by using special cases while traveling and going out.

Blood Glucose Monitors: It is used to examine blood glucose level. Blood glucose levels below 120 mg/dL before meals, and below 180 mg/dL after meals, is the goal to stay healthy and prevent or delay the development of diabetes complications.

Blood Pressure Monitors: It helps to check blood pressure level of a person. High blood pressure affects 20-60% of people with diabetes and results in causing eye disease, kidney disease and heart disease.

Diabetes Software: This software can be used in your computer to help you to share the information with your Health Care Team to make the best choices in your treatment. Diabetes software includes OneTouch diabetes management software, OneTouch diabetes management software kit.

Glucose Tablets: Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels can occur very quickly and is a sharp complication of diabetes, especially if you use insulin. People with diabetes must always carry glucose tablets.

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Glucose Gels: Glucose gel is absorbed more rapidly than tablets. In case of severe hypoglycemia 15 g of glucose in the form of glucose gel must be administered immediately orally.

Experts recommend that you deal only with those Internet companies that offer a return address rather than a post office box. If you want to make sure that you are buying diabetes supplies from reputable businesses that have their own offices, rather than an individual who is simply buying diabetes supplies from an Internet auction site and re-selling them to new customers.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

5 Diabetes Travel Tips

Planning ahead when you travel reduces stress.  This is particularly important for a diabetic.  These 5 diabetes travel tips are simple to implement and crucial to your diabetic management.  They are particularly important if you are traveling abroad.

1)  Have a pre-travel check-up.  Make sure your A1C blood sugar levels; your blood pressure and your cholesterol levels are OK.  Get the appropriate shots for any country you plan to visit.

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2)  Wear a diabetes medical ID.  Ideally it should be in the language spoken in the country you're visiting.  Not everyone speaks your language and you don't want medical problems through misunderstandings.

3)  Keep your medication and glucose snacks in your hand-luggage.  Check-in baggage does, unfortunately, go astray. Don't risk your diabetes medication by packing it in your main luggage.

4)  Keep your medication in its original box, complete with pharmacy labels.  It will prevent misunderstandings about why you are carrying drugs and, if you are on insulin, syringes.

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5)  Be aware of time zone changes, especially when altering your watch.  Remember when you travel east your day becomes shorter; if you travel west your day becomes longer.  You may need to alter the timings of your medication.

Traveling need not be traumatic.  A sensible attitude and a bit of pre-travel planning can make things go far more smoothly.

5 Ways to Manage your Diet for Diabetes

Since my diagnosis with diabetes at the age of eleven, my own diet has changed dramatically.  I maintain my current healthy weight with a great diet/eating plan. If you do plan on losing more than about a stone in weight then I would visit your doctor for more tips on how to do this without risk.

I've had diabetes for seven years now, but to tell you that how I maintain weight is perfect would be totally wrong of me.  However, I can advise you to follow my steps because I know what works and what doesn't. Before I really begin I must also say that I have been brought up by great parents who taught me to eat everything, and so I do! If there is something that you don't like, there are loads of other diabetic recipes and ideas that you will eat and appreciate.

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I am a university student and I like to buy fresh and organic produce from where I live. I believe that this is important because it can be the most good for your body and contain more nutrients and vitamins than most supermarket produce. I like to source food from my fortnightly farmers market in town, which sells amazing meat and dairy produce and fresh in season fruit and vegetables.

This is another important thing to remember, that eating fruit and vegetables in their season means that they will taste better as well as doing you good. I have a lot of influence from Western European cuisine (mainly France and Italy) as you will tell, but I do not profess to be a chef and everything is easy to make and very convenient.

I have read countless diet books and diabetic recipe/diet books, and I came to a conclusion that I think really works. I fused all the good things from the diets (but not from every diet) and sort of put together my own one. I call this my Juvenile Diabetes Healthy Diet!

The "rules" that I would lay down are as follows:

1. Cut back on snacks and then change the type of snacks you eat.
Certainly my biggest downfall although it wasn't really apparent to me. When I first started at University, I had little or no routine which meant that filling my day was difficult and popping into the kitchen for a snack, no matter how healthy it felt, was a regular occurrence. This is one of the hardest things to do for some people, but establishing a great routine is essential to great diabetes care. The types of snacks to be eating are unsalted nuts, dried unsweetened fruit, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables (I love fresh red pepper and cucumber), dark chocolate (richer and nicer and you only want 2 squares usually).

2. Cut back on white flour and embrace wholemeal carbs.
This is the most essential part of your diet, and the thing that can show the biggest increase in loss of weight. Some diets in fact just focus on this point, and are very successful. Wholemeal (especially stoneground wholemeal) is so good for you and has so much more flavour in it that switching is much easier than you think.

Most people are really surprised at the ranges you can get in you supermarket, again remember that the bread that is best for you is the one that is freshest with least preservatives or added ingredients. Also, brown or basmati rice is great with a lovely nutty texture. Wholemeal pasta is great and for your potatoes I would totally recommend the smaller new potatoes.

3. Stop drinking cocktails, start drinking wine. 
Cocktails are full of sugar, colourants and preservatives. As a student I have had loads of practice at going out and not drinking cocktails, so my drink of choice is Malibu and Diet Coke if I feel I have to drink something and I make it last all night. I can then top up with Diet Coke (which has almost no sugar in it) and it looks as though I am drinking Malibu, who is to know. If you are out at a restaurant, red wine is much better than anything else you can order, (except water of course!) and it has been proven that the anti-oxidants in red wine are great for keeping a healthy heart. The recommended amount is one glass a day with your evening meal.

4. Start cooking more fruit and vegetables.
Fresh fruit and vegetables are a great way to get all the vitamins and minerals you need. And there are so many different ways in which to cook vegetables, but I find that raw is the best followed closely by steamed. Both of these ways preserve all their natural goodness as well. I will follow this post with another diabetes recipes post.

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5. Drink more water.
I know you have heard people say this many times before, but the benefits of drinking more water are endless. A few tips on how to get more water into your day are firstly to put bottles of water at all the places you go in the house or work. So keep one in your desk, on your desk, a glass in the kitchen, the bedroom, the sitting room, etc. Try and drink all these glasses up and you will be well on your way to 8 glasses a day. The trick is to add a glass every few days or so, if you try to drink all that water in one go you won't be so inclined to drink 8 glasses again, trust me! Have a go, it's amazing how great you will feel.

7 Diabetes Foot Care Tips

If you have diabetes information about how to manage your condition is vital to your well being.

If you don't look after your feet you run the risk of developing sores or infections that could, in the worst case scenario, lead to amputations. As happened to my father-in-law.  Reduce your risk of infection or amputation by incorporating these 7 foot care tips.

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1)  Check your feet daily - especially if you have low sensitivity or no feeling in your feet. Sores, cuts and grazes could go unnoticed and you could develop problems leading to amputations.

2)  Don't go around barefoot, even indoors. It's easy to tread on something or stub your toes and cut yourself. Protect your feet with socks/stockings and

3)  Be careful if you have corns or calluses. Check with your doctor or podiatrist the best way to care for them.

4)  Wash your feet daily in warm, NOT HOT water. And don't soak your feet (even if you've been standing all day) because it could dry your skin and form cracks or sores.

5)  Take extra care to dry your feet completely, especially between your toes. These are natural moisture traps - leaving them damp or wet could create all sorts of problems.

6)  Exercise your legs and feet regularly. Even when sitting you can rotate your ankles; wiggle your toes or move your legs up and down. These all keep your blood circulation flowing and helps to minimize the risk of foot problems.

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7)  Get your feet professionally checked, at least once a year, for sensitivity and signs of any problems.  You can usually arrange this when you have your annual check up for your AC1 levels (blood glucose levels over a 3-month period), blood pressure and cholesterol.

Take constant care of your feet. Get help from a relative or professional; Doctor, diabetic nurse or podiatrist if you are not able to bend when trimming nails or checking for sores.  Taking these simple actions will help you reduce the risk of painful problems.

Monday, 28 September 2015

7 Reasons Why Smoking is Even More Hazardous for Diabetics

Here are 7 reasons why mixing diabetes with smoking is a very bad idea:

1)  You are more likely to get nerve damage (neuropathy).  This is because smoking affects your blood circulation and that in turn means your nerve endings are not getting the nutrients they need.  If this happens to the nerves in your feet it could lead to sores and infections and, if not taken care of properly, even amputation.

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2)  There is an increased risk, double in fact -of you getting limited mobility in your joints. It's no fun trying to bend, climb stairs or lift something when you have a painful joint.

3)  Because of smoking you could develop kidney disease.

4)  When you smoke your blood pressure increases.  Increased blood pressure creates a real risk of heart disease.

5)  Research has shown that diabetics who smoke increase, 3-fold, the risk of dying of heart (cardiovascular) disease.

6)  By smoking you increase your blood-sugar levels.  This makes it more difficult to control your diabetes because your glucose levels  could be fluctuating quite dramatically.  This, in turn, leads to other problems.

7)  And it also increases your cholesterol levels, which increases the risk of a heart attack.

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In fact smoking - and passive smoking - have a seriously detrimental effect on the ABC's of diabetes management:

  • The measurement of your blood glucose over a 3-month period.
  • Your blood pressure, which should be below 130/80.
  • Your cholesterol levels.  Cholesterol levels include LDL, HDL and triglycerides.  Your LDL should be below 100.  HDL levels should be above 40 (for men) and above 50 (for women).  Tryglycerides should be below 150.

And, of course, on top of all that there's the proven risk of cancer!

7 Steps on How to Prevent Diabetes

Diabetes is more prevalent than ever and 95% of cases diagnosed are type 2 diabetes.

Although for some the development of diabetes is inevitable, perhaps due to hereditary and other factors, for the vast majority it can be prevented by taking these 7 simple steps:

Before diabetes type 2 becomes fully developed you go through a stage known as pre-diabetes.  This is where you start to show some of the symptoms, which if ignored, can lead to full-blown diabetes.

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Make these 7 action points part of your daily routine and you could stop this disease happening to you:

1) If you are overweight you risk developing diabetes.  Reduce the amount of food on your plate so you gradually eat less and start to lose weight.  Drink a glass of plain water or a sugar-free drink before your meal to take the edge of any hunger pains.

2) Reduce the amount of fat you are eating; grill or bake foods instead of frying; use low-fat spreads and reduced fat meals.

3) Check the Glycemic Index of the food you are eating - knowing what each food contains helps maintain your blood-sugars, which in turn can prevent the full onset of diabetes.

4) Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. If you keep a bottle of water with you and sip frequently you'll be surprised how much you do drink throughout the day.

5) If you are feeling peckish choose a healthy snack rather than a chocolate bar.

6) Use skimmed rather than full-fat milk in hot drinks.

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7) Exercise is good for health.  But if you are not use to exercise then start in moderation.  15 minutes gentle walking each day will ease you into a regular exercising pattern.

All of these action points are also the ones that diabetics are advised to take - if you take them now you might possibly prevent irreparable damage to your health.

8 Signs of a Diabetes Symptom

If you have two or more of these pre-diabetes symptoms you should seriously consider getting yourself checked out:

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  1. If you find you are excessively thirsty, not just after extreme exercise or hot weather.
  2. You seem to constantly have a dry mouth - even if you've just had a drink.
  3. You find you are having to urinate frequently.
  4. You have unexpected weight loss or gain (even though you may be constantly hungry and eating well. Of course you may be eating the wrong things which would probably make your pre-diabetes symptom worse). 
  5. You feel lethargic.  You always feel as if you've got no energy; you are weak and tired all the time.
  6. Sometimes your vision is blurry - be careful, untreated eye problems caused through diabetes can lead to blindness. You should have regular eye checks, especially as you get older because your eyes can be the early warning signal for many diseases and not just diabetes.
  7. You have cuts or sores or bruises (especially on your feet) that are slow to heal.
  8. If you experience excessive itching or soreness in the genital area or yeast infections (which can be misdiagnosed as thrush) it may be a sign of too much sugar in your urine.

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At Risk Factors:

There are different types of diabetes; pre-diabetes, type 1, type 2, gestational and maturity onset.  And, dependent upon your age, lifestyle and family history you may be more susceptible to developing diabetes.

For example you may be more prone to developing diabetes if any of these factors apply to you:

  • Your family background is African American, American Indian, Asian American, Pacific Islander, or Hispanic American/Latino.
  • You have a parent, brother, or sister with diabetes.
  • You are aged over 45 and are overweight you might be at risk of diabetes type 2.
  • You have had gestational diabetes or have given birth to a baby over 9 pounds in weight.
  • You have high blood pressure.
  • Your cholesterol levels are not good.

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Diabetes Epidemic

With obesity levels being at an all-time high, the epidemic of type 2 diabetes is growing at an alarming rate, and will only get worse.

Between 2001 and 2002, the diagnosis of diabetes went from 5.5 percent of Americans to an alarming 6.5 percent. In just one year!

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Overall, twelve million Americans have been diagnosed and another 5 million Americans have diabetes and don't know it. And yet another 12 millions are on their way to type 2 diabetes because of impaired glucose levels.

Not knowing is the worst because risks of untreated diabetes puts us at a terrible risk of complications
including but not limited to blindness, amputations and ultimately death.

The stickler is, that type 2 diabetes is almost completely preventable. Doctorís say eat less, eat better and exercise. The numbers show just how many Americans are currently overweight.

Statistically, people are now living longer, and it has been on the rise for years. But this will not continue if type 2 diabetes is not put under control.

We are a gluttonous society and ultimately it is affecting how we live and how long we live.

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And unfortunately, the diabetes epidemic is not just a US problem. It is spreading worldwide with epidemic reports in Asia, the Middle East and the Caribbean.

It is estimated that by 2025, the number of diabetics worldwide will rise to 380 million. And diabetes is now affecting more of the young and middle-aged population in developing countries between the ages of 40 and 59.

Diabetes In Children

Diabetes in children is also known as juvenile diabetes, but more commonly known as type 1 diabetes. It is the most common form of diabetes in children with ninety to ninety-five percent of carriers being under 16.

Juvenile diabetes is caused by the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin. It is an autoimmune disease, which means the bodies own defense system attacks the body's tissues or organs.

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In the last 30 years, the number of juvenile diabetes had increased three times over and in Europe and the US we are now seeing type 2 diabetes in children for the first time.

Obesity easily explains type 2, but not why there is such a rise in type 1 diabetes in children. It is believed that a mixture of genetics and environmental factors are what triggers juvenile diabetes. But the majority of children don't have a family history of diabetes.

The symptoms for juvenile diabetes are the same as in adults. Thirst, weight loss, fatigue, frequent urination is typical, but diabetes in children can also increase stomach pains, headaches and behavior problems.

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Doctors should consider the possibility of diabetes in children who have unexplained stomach pains for a few weeks, along with the typical symptoms.

If you believe your child may be experiencing these symptoms you should schedule them for a thorough examination and tell your doctor what you suspect your child may have. Be sure to tell them about any and all symptoms your child may be experiencing.

Diabetes in Pets

It is not only the human kind that can develop diabetes. Even our beloved pets, no matter how well we care for them, can develop diabetes.

This is often a scary situation for the pet owner and the first question that is usually asked of the veterinarian is -will my pet need to be put to sleep-. Of course, this is a difficult issue and the answer may vary on the overall age and health of your pet.

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Many older pets that are diagnosed with diabetes go on to live many more happy years, but this takes commitment and close care of your pet.

Diabetic cats and dogs can live just as long as perfectly healthy pet if the diabetes is diagnosed and treated properly by both the veterinarian and the owner.

This takes great commitment from the owner. Pets must be cared for and watched daily with a high level of care and patience.

There can be no feeding the cat and forgetting until the next day. There is no leaving the pet alone to go on a trip. Every day your pet will need medication, fed a proper diet and his behavior will need to be monitored closely.

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This doesn't mean you will have to give up your job and stay home full time with your pet, but it does mean you will have to pay more attention to what his behavior is and know what to do if the situation should change.

It is also more of a financial obligation to have a sick pet. So it is something that should be discussed in length with your vet.

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Diabetes Management

As of 2007, there is no cure for either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. This may seem like a dim outlook for many people, but the fact is that even though there is no cure, there certainly are ways to manage your diabetes.

Proper management can give you many years of healthy living.

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Diabetes management starts with a visit to your doctor. First, finding out you have diabetes, what type you have then arming yourself with as much information as possible about the diabetes you are diagnosed with.

All management begins with controlling the glucose cycle.

The glucose cycle is affected by two factors, entry of glucose into the bloodstream and blood levels of insulin to control the transport out.

Your glucose levels are very sensitive to both diet and exercise, so change in either should first be discussed with your physician. Proper management of diabetes can be very intrusive to the patient.

Proper management requires a complete lifestyle change and frequent, sometimes multi-daily checks of glucose in the blood.

It can change as people grow and develop and no two cases are ever really the same. Today it is easier to measure the blood sugar level.

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Glucose meters are readily available and are quite easy to use with a little practice and patience.

With a small drop of blood to the testing strip attached to the glucose meter, the user is given the number, which represents their blood sugar level. This in turn will let the user know if and when insulin is needed.

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus is also simply known as diabetes. It is the disease characterized by a malfunctioning metabolism and a high blood sugar level.

The result can be low levels of insulin or abnormal insulin resistance. This mixed with inadequate levels of insulin secretion results in diabetes.

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Symptoms of diabetes mellitus include increased urine production, excessive thirst, extreme fatigue, and excessive thirst and weight loss. These symptoms though may not be present in those people with only mildly elevated sugar levels.

Diabetes mellitus includes type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes, which occur only during pregnancy. Each type has a different cause and different severity of symptoms.

But all forms of diabetes are dangerous if not treated. With proper management though, people with diabetes can live a long, healthy, normal life.

The main cause of type 1 diabetes mellitus is the loss of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. This ultimately leads to an insulin deficiency.

Type 1 diabetes mellitus is typically found in children and young adults. It is also termed juvenile diabetes. The common treatment for type 1 diabetes mellitus is daily insulin injections to replace the insulin the body is not producing properly, along with careful blood glucose monitoring.

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Without careful monitoring and treatment, complications from diabetes could include loss of limps such as arms, legs and feet, blindness and diabetic comas, which can be fatal.

It is extremely important that if you suspect you or your child to have symptoms of diabetes, that you visit your doctor to be tested. If the tests are positive it is not the end of the world. With careful monitoring and care, type 1 diabetics can live long healthy lives.

Diabetes Symptoms

All too often we get sick but ignore the symptoms we may be feeling, shrugging them off to a cold, stress from work, or just not feeling well.

There are certain symptoms that shouldn't be ignored if they develop. These symptoms could lead to blindness, amputation of limbs, coma or even death.

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Symptoms of type 1 diabetes often come on suddenly and are severely dramatic. The extra stress of diabetes can lead to something called diabetic ketoacidosis.

Symptoms of ketoacidosis may include nausea and vomiting, which may also lead to dehydration and serious problems with the blood levels of potassium. This could lead to a diabetic coma and ultimately death.

Other symptoms of diabetes may include extreme fatigue. We all get tired at times, but diabetes triggers a more severe fatigue than normal.

People with diabetes also experience unexplained weight loss. This is because they are unable to process many of the calories they consume. Losing sugar and water in the urine also contributes to the weight loss.

Extreme thirst is another symptom of diabetes. Diabetes develops high blood sugar levels and the body tries to compensate by diluting the blood, which translates to our brain that we are thirsty.

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With this is also excessive urination. It is another way our bodies have of getting rid of the extra sugar in our system. But this can also lead to dehydration.

One of the hardest symptoms to deal with is poor wound healing. Wounds heal slowly, if at all when the carrier has diabetes. This along with infections that are not easily remedied can attribute to ulcers and loss of limbs.