Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Making Smart Choices With The Glycemic Index

Maitrisez Votre Diabete. Diabetes Treatment French Version.

The Glycemic Index (GI) has been around since 1981 and is a great blueprint for eating healthy.
With a growing population of diabetics and overweight individuals, eating within GI guidelines, meaning that you take into account how much a particular food raises blood sugar and over stresses insulin production, is gaining interest among the medical community and the public.
What is the Glycemic Index (GI)?
The Glycemic Index indicates how quickly 50 grams of a foods carbohydrates turn into sugar. At the most basic level, the GI ranks carbohydrate filled foods according to their glycemic response. Foods that raise your blood glucose level very fast have a higher GI rating than foods that raise your blood glucose level at a slower pace. In general, lower GI foods are the healthier choice.
What are the benefits of low GI foods?
Trying to keep the bulk of your food in the low GI rating can offer a number of benefits, these include:Controlling your blood glucose level
Controlling your cholesterol level
Reducing your risk of type 2 diabetesAssists in lowering and controlling weightReducing your risk of heart diseaseProlonging your physical endurance
How do I lower my GI?There are simple steps you can take to lower your Glycemic Index. Here are a few ideas.Limit your bread intake to whole grains and oats (No White Bread)
If you are eating a high GI food, try combining it with a low GI food (see chart)
Eat multiple servings of fresh fruits and vegetables. They fill you up and have a low GI.
Try rice vinegar in place of salad dressings.
Limit your intake of processed and starchy foods.
Choose healthy fats such as canola and olive oil.
For more ideas and a more in depth look at the GI, you may want to look at the following books.
“Sugar Busters”
“Eat Yourself Slim”
“The G.I. Diet”
Glycemic Index Food Chart
Low Glycemic Index food (less than 55)
Foods with GI index between 55 and 70 are intermediate
High Glycemic Index food GI (more than 70)
Low Glycemic FoodsApple 38Pear 38Skim Milk 32Carrot Juice 45Whole Grain Bread 50Low Fat Yogurt 14Oranges 44Spaghetti, whole wheat 37Sweet potato 54Jams and marmalades 49Popcorn 55Artichoke 15Asparagus 15Broccoli 15Cauliflower 15Celery 15Cucumber 15Eggplant 15Green beans 15Lettuce, all varieties 15Low-fat yogurt, artificially sweetened 15Peppers, all varieties 15Snow peas 15Spinach 15Young summer squash 15Tomatoes 15Zucchini 15Soya beans, boiled 16
Peas, dried 22Kidney beans, boiled 29Lentils green, boiled 29Chickpeas 33High Glycemic FoodsWaffles 76Doughnut 76White bread 71Rice Krispies 82Cornflakes 83Corn chips 74Jelly beans80Pretzels 81Rice Cakes 82Potato, instant 83Potato, baked 85Rice pasta, brown 92Dates 103
The GI should help you make smart choices when choosing what to eat. Remember to make most of your choices on balanced nutritionincluding a healthy dose of fruits and vegetables. Make an effort to cut back on foods with refined starch and concentrated sugar. Include some healthful fats and do not forget the protein.

Heres to your health!

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